BBF Beat the Heat!

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Unlike many other clubs and organisations in Oman, BBF endeavour to meet regularly 12 times a year, even through the  heat of the Summer.

The 1st of July meeting was no exception with a curry  supper at the British Embassy Club organised by Irene Bedwin of UKTI and much appreciated by those members temporarily reduced to bachelor status!

A capacity turnout despite many people being on leave  at this time of year and an enjoyable evening as shown by Arnie’s excellent photographs.

We’re sorry to bid farewell to Jon Goddard, Embassy Press Officer, who is returning to London at the end of the month but are  delighted to welcome his successor, Tom Le Feuvre, who comes to Oman via Beirut.

Many BBF members also participated in the Big British Lunch organised by the Embassy to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Sunday 22nd. July in the ballroom at the Grand Hyatt, a much appreciated family and community event.

BBF Oman
The British Business Forum (BBF Oman) is a place for business people in Oman to meet on a regular basis with the objective of exchanging views and opinions about existing and potential business opportunities.
Copyright © 2022 BBF Oman. All rights reserved.

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