Jobs in Oman

Employment Opportunities

At the request of our members we have added this page to help people seeking jobs, and companies looking for skilled workers in Oman to connect.

Situations Wanted

If you would like to post on this page please click here to contact us with the details.

Next BBF Event

Date: Tuesday 8th March 2022.

Time: 6.00PM – 8.00 PM

Venue: The Diplomatic Club

To confirm your attendance of this event click here to fill out the event attendance form, or alternatively please reply to the invitation email that was sent to you. Thank you - David Burton

Advantage Oman

Oman can be a great place to do business poised as it is at the entrance to the Gulf and at the center of East-West trade routes, ensuring easy access to markets in the Middle East, India, South East Asia, Africa and Europe. Membership of various regional associations has further smoothed trade routes. It is a country with natural competitive advantages like abundant supply of energy, relative low labor costs, and inexpensive long-term use of land for industrial purposes.

  • Potential gateway to over 1500 million consumers

  • Duty-free exports within the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council member countries

  • Has the right climate for new investments with its free, competitive economy with equal opportunities for all

  • Pro-enterprise laws and regulations

  • Liberal investor-friendly policies

  • Simplified procedures for clearance and approvals

  • Abundant power supply

  • Inexpensive long-term use of land for industrial purposes

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BBF Oman
The British Business Forum (BBF Oman) is a place for business people in Oman to meet on a regular basis with the objective of exchanging views and opinions about existing and potential business opportunities.
Copyright © 2022 BBF Oman. All rights reserved.

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